I'd wager if I had an up-to-date copy of your source tree, I could just use MESS's DMG core right away.
You always do, you have WIP access on my forum :P
And the latest supergameboy is up on my page:
http://byuu.org/bsnes/Here's the fixed joyp_write() function, which is the only difference from what is already available:
void SuperGameBoy::joyp_write(bool p15, bool p14) {
//joypad handling
if(p15 == 1 && p14 == 1) {
if(joyp15lock == 0 && joyp14lock == 0) {
joyp15lock = 1;
joyp14lock = 1;
joyp_id = (joyp_id + 1) & 3;
if(p15 == 0 && p14 == 1) joyp15lock = 0;
if(p15 == 1 && p14 == 0) joyp14lock = 0;
//packet handling
if(p15 == 0 && p14 == 0) {
pulselock = false;
packetoffset = 0;
bitoffset = 0;
strobelock = true;
packetlock = false;
if(pulselock) return;
if(p15 == 1 && p14 == 1) {
strobelock = false;
if(strobelock && (p15 + p14 != 0)) {
//this is a malformed packet
packetlock = false;
pulselock = true;
bitoffset = 0;
packetoffset = 0;
if(strobelock) return;
//p15:1, p14:0 = 0
//p15:0, p14:1 = 1
bool bit = (p15 == 0);
strobelock = true;
if(packetlock) {
if(p15 == 1 && p14 == 0) {
if((joyp_packet[0] >> 3) == 0x11) {
mmio.mlt_req = joyp_packet[1] & 3;
if(mmio.mlt_req == 2) mmio.mlt_req = 3;
if(packetsize < 64) packet[packetsize++] = joyp_packet;
packetlock = false;
pulselock = true;
bitdata = (bit << 7) | (bitdata >> 1);
if(++bitoffset < 8) return;
bitoffset = 0;
joyp_packet[packetoffset] = bitdata;
if(++packetoffset < 16) return;
packetlock = true;
It rejects invalid packets, which seems to work great for both Dracula and Zelda DX; without breaking any other games that I know of.
Could it be that it simply halts the cpu in such a case?
I suppose that is technically possible. I don't see a command to restart the SGB after packets are transmitted, and if we restarted after a $700f read, it'd still probably be too late to change $6003. Plus if the SGB got stopped in the middle of gameplay while sending packets, the audio would most likely stall out for a couple MS, which would cause sharp popping. Thus, it probably doesn't halt.