*Strike Gunner there's a "bug when the first boss flies past you" (untested)
there was but fixed in yesterday bobz build
Energy Breaker: World Map is entirely missing (untested, needs somebody capable of playing this)
works for me in r7666, unless i'm looking at the wrong map
same in yesterday bobz build but yet again i could be lookin at the wrong map
*Moryo Senki Madara 2: gap in the text?
yup there is a gap in the text in r7666 doesn't happen in bsnes
ther's still the gap in yesterday bobz build
Super Tramp Collection (J): crashes for some reason (open bus?)
black screen in r7666
also black screen in yesterday bob build
i didn't get a crash
Tokimeki Memorial: Missing text during gameplay?
on menus and name selection and stuff (i guess) the text is missing and when the game really starts most of the graphics are missing in r7666
same for menus but when the game starts the graphics missing before are shown and those shown before are missing and a line in the middle of the screen that shoudn't be there in yesterday bobz build
*Toy Story: After beating the first boss, the stars that falls from the enemy aren't shown (untested)
it doesn't show any stars at all in r7666
same in yesterday bobz build