Gentlemen, behold!
8281c8 lda #$07 A:c141 X:000c Y:0020 S:01d1 D:0000 DB:82 nvMxdIzC V:166 H: 490
8281ca sta $2100 [822100] A:c107 X:000c Y:0020 S:01d1 D:0000 DB:82 nvMxdIzC V:166 H: 502
8281cd lda #$0f A:c107 X:000c Y:0020 S:01d1 D:0000 DB:82 nvMxdIzC V:166 H: 526
8281cf sta $2100 [822100] A:c10f X:000c Y:0020 S:01d1 D:0000 DB:82 nvMxdIzC V:166 H: 578
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol.
The game uses mid-scanline writes to the display brightness register to simulate a shadow for your plane. Only way to emulate this is with a full, true cycle-based S-PPU1+2 emulator.
Any takers?