I don't think you need to support the BS-X BIOS stuff. You just have to map the ROM in the banks $80-$bf differently.
Relevant part of xml.cpp:
xml << " <rom>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='00-1f:8000-ffff' offset='000000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='20-3f:8000-ffff' offset='100000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='80-9f:8000-ffff' offset='200000'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='a0-bf:8000-ffff' offset='100000'/>\n";
xml << " </rom>\n";
xml << " <ram size='" << strhex(ram_size) << "'>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='70-7f:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='f0-ff:0000-7fff'/>\n";
xml << " </ram>\n";
xml << " <bsx>\n";
xml << " <slot>\n";
xml << " <map mode='linear' address='c0-ef:0000-ffff'/>\n";
xml << " </slot>\n";
xml << " </bsx>\n";
Forum post on the zboard: