Okay, there you go:
Nestopia log file version 1.41
Language: loaded "english.nlg" version
Direct3D: initializing..
Direct3D: enumerating device - name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295, GUID: D7B71E3E-46A0-11CF-6355-45261FC2C535
Direct3D: dynamic textures: supported
Direct3D: texture bilinear filtering: supported
Direct3D: max texture dimensions: 8192x8192
Direct3D: scanline effect: supported
Direct3D: vsync on every second refresh: supported
Direct3D: vsync on every third refresh: supported
Direct3D: found 38 display modes
Direct3D: supported monitor frequencies: 50hz, 59hz, 60hz, 75hz
Direct3D: creating HAL device #0
Direct3D: entering 1920x1200x32 60hz window mode
DirectSound: initializing..
DirectSound: enumerating device - name: Primary Sound Driver, GUID: unspecified
DirectSound: enumerating device - name: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi), GUID: 44B322E5-BB9A-4774-BAF9-0B27B0DE8EF9
DirectSound: creating device #1
DirectInput: initializing..
DirectInput: enumerating device - name: Saitek Cyborg Pad for PC/Xbox 360, GUID: 6F333D40-E29F-11DE-8006-444553540000
DirectInput: found 1 attached joystick(s)
Direct3D: enabling VSYNC
Timer: performance counter present (3525351 hz)
Kaillera: found "kailleraclient.dll" version 0.9
Launcher: database file "launcher.xml" not present
Fds: BIOS ROM ok
Database: 2894 items imported from internal DB
Configuration: warning, unused/invalid parameter: "x"
Configuration: warning, unused/invalid parameter: "y"
Emulator: loading "D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\Mega Man 2 (U).nes"
Ines: 256k PRG-ROM set
Ines: vertical mirroring set
Ines: NTSC set
Ines: mapper 1 set
Board: 256k PRG-ROM
Board: 8k V-RAM
Board: MMC rev. B2
Direct3D: entering 1920x1200x32 60hz full-screen mode
Direct3D: entering 1920x1200x32 60hz window mode
Emulator: unloaded "D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\Mega Man 2 (U).nes"
And here are the settings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration version="1.41">
<file />
<select>Umschalt rechts</select>
<select>Umschalt rechts</select>
<a>(joy 0) 1</a>
<auto-fire-a>(joy 0) 3</auto-fire-a>
<auto-fire-b>(joy 0) 2</auto-fire-b>
<b>(joy 0) 0</b>
<down>(joy 0) +p0y</down>
<left>(joy 0) -p0x</left>
<mic>0 (zehnertastatur)</mic>
<right>(joy 0) +p0x</right>
<select>(joy 0) 6</select>
<start>(joy 0) 7</start>
<up>(joy 0) -p0y</up>
<select>Umschalt rechts</select>
<file>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\language\english.nlg</file>
<directories />
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\cheats\</directory>
<bios>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\disksys.rom</bios>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\</directory>
<recent-directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\</recent-directory>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\patches\</directory>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\</directory>
<file>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\Games\Mega Man 2 (U).nes</file>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\samples\</directory>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\save\</directory>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\screenshots\</directory>
<directory>D:\Emulator Games\NEStopia\states\</directory>
<file />
<file />
I just noticed that Nestopia's FPS counter most of the time shows me 60.5 FPS and very shortly from time to time jumps to exactly 60.0 and then back again.
Unfortunately, I know nothing of the high-resolution multimedia timer functions of Direct3D. The most I've needed until now was Windows' timer queue API (haven't dealt with the waitable timer nor QPC yet), which is surely awful for multimedia

Maybe I should just go bug ASUS to activate HPET in their BIOSes... It IS about time it's implemented everywhere.
If it's any help: NVIDIA's control applet registers the GTX 295's pixel clock at 154.1306 MHz when I force the driver to use 60.001 Hz. It's 154.1280 MHz when set exactly to 60.000 Hz. Like I said, changing around the refresh rate does nothing (not even when set to exactly 59.94 Hz, which is NTSC officially).
What hardware timer does Nestopia call? The performance counter via QPC, right (judging by the log)? I'd really like to help, but as you can see, my knowledge is limited

I understand that newer CPUs' speedstepping messes up the counters (laptops like to do this), but I've got Windows' power profile set to "high performance" and NVIDIA's graphics card equivalent to the same, so speedstepping shouldn't come into this, CPU or GPU. I'll try disabling it in the BIOS anyway. Anything else you might like me try? I'm open for suggestions

It's just funny that FCEUX (and Nintendulator), for instance, works flawlessly. It too uses a high-precision timing thread in order to be TAS-safe. Plus: Nestopia works fine on XP. Though I've yet to try buzbard's suggestion of using the XP virtual mode, Win7's compatibility option does nothing. I'm puzzled.