Originally Posted by Anna Wu
Originally Posted by etabeta78
btw, which files should be used? the the original images or the raw ones? and what is the difference between the two?

The translated files: invaders11.bin/invaders12.bin
About the differents between the original, raw and translated files, I am sure robbbert can help.

It seems, the translated files are created by Rewire4k application.

Rewire 4K

This program is designed to enable reading/writing of old Aamber Pegasus Eproms

4KB files read from a standard eprom reader should be opened using 'File/Open Raw (from reader)'
Then, press the 'Convert Raw -> Translated' button. The corrected file shows in the lower text box
If the Eprom contains a valid program, the security byte is displayed also
You may change the security byte ... the altered file is automatically translated back to raw form
Save the raw file using 'File/Save Raw (for burner)' to create a file suitable for burning
You can also save the file using 'File/Save Translated File' which is more suitable for transmission
... or for use in a simulator

The default pin conversions translate between standard 2532 pinouts and that used by the Pegasus
You may also change the pin numbers for systems with different pinouts.

[Linked Image from img519.imageshack.us]

Last edited by Anna Wu; 04/27/10 08:25 AM.