I... wow. Just... wow. The following preset gets the "100% Authentic" stamp of approval from a drunken JD and his 2 equally inebriated roommates:

hlsl_enable               1
hlslpath                  hlsl
shadow_mask_alpha         0.2
shadow_mask_texture       aperture.png
shadow_mask_pix_width     3.0
shadow_mask_pix_height    3.0
shadow_mask_x_count       640
shadow_mask_y_count       480
shadow_mask_usize         0.09375
shadow_mask_vsize         0.09375
oversample_x              1.0
oversample_y              1.0
curvature                 0.1
screen_scale_top          1.0
screen_scale_bottom       1.0
pincushion                0.1
scanline_alpha            0.6
scanline_size             1.0
scanline_bright_scale     1.0
scanline_bright_offset    0.6
scanline_jitter           0.0
defocus_x                 2.0
defocus_y                 2.0
red_converge_x            0.0
red_converge_y            0.0
green_converge_x          0.0
green_converge_y          0.0
blue_converge_x           0.0
blue_converge_y           0.0
red_radial_converge_x     0.0
red_radial_converge_y     0.0
green_radial_converge_x   0.0
green_radial_converge_y   0.0
blue_radial_converge_x    0.0
blue_radial_converge_y    0.0
red_from_r                1.0
red_from_g                0.0
red_from_b                0.0
green_from_r              0.0
green_from_g              1.0
green_from_b              0.0
blue_from_r               0.0
blue_from_g               0.0
blue_from_b               1.0
saturation                1.0
red_offset                0.0
green_offset              0.0
blue_offset               0.0
red_scale                 1.0
green_scale               1.0
blue_scale                1.0
red_power                 2.2
green_power               2.2
blue_power                2.2
red_floor                 0.05
green_floor               0.05
blue_floor                0.05
red_phosphor_life         0.45
green_phosphor_life       0.45
blue_phosphor_life        0.45
yiq_enable                1
yiq_w                     4.1187867
yiq_a                     0.5
yiq_b                     0.333333
yiq_phase_count           3