Originally Posted by R. Belmont
eta: any time anything is touched anywhere near the n64, you must do a make clean or else all games will crash.

done that, even if apparently not needed wink

Originally Posted by Just Desserts
Gibb0r more information. The crash I fixed was a crash during the opening demo of the game. Where is yours?

mine is before even reaching the intro. just type OK and after a bunch of (black) frames, kaboom!

I'm going to compile a SYMBOLS build tonight, but I hoped it was not a local issue, that's why I only reported that the old "N64TexturePipeT::Cycle ()" crash was still there...

EDIT: here the error from a symbol build

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.

Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x00000001d77dac08
0x0000000100ca4f4c in N64TexturePipeT::MaskCoupled 
(this=0x122d101d8, S=0x7fff5fbe849c, S1=0x7fff5fbe8494, T=0x7fff5fbe8498, T1=0x7fff5fbe8490, num=0, object=@0x129088000) at 
57                      INT32 maskbits_s = m_maskbits_table[tile[num].mask_s];

and the full backtrace

(gdb) bt full 3
#0  0x0000000100ca4f4c in N64TexturePipeT::MaskCoupled 
(this=0x122d101d8, S=0x7fff5fbe849c, S1=0x7fff5fbe8494, T=0x7fff5fbe8498, T1=0x7fff5fbe8490, num=0, object=@0x129088000) 
at src/mame/video/rdptpipe.c:57
        maskbits_s = 1
        tile = (const N64Tile *) 0x1290880e0
#1  0x0000000100ca77da in N64TexturePipeT::Cycle 
(this=0x122d101d8, TEX=0x1350fa818, prev=0x1350fa818, SSS=32767, SST=32767, tilenum=0, cycle=0, userdata=0x1350fa000, object=@0x129088000) 
at src/mame/video/rdptpipe.c:287
        sst1 = 0
        sss2 = 1318
        maxt = 0
        upper = false
        sst2 = 1
        invsf = 0
        center = 0
        sfrac = 8
        sss1 = 1317
        invtf = 0
        maxs = 0
        tfrac = 0
        tile = (const N64Tile *) 0x1290880e0
        bilerp = 1
        convert = 0
        t0 = {
    c = 0, 
    i = {
      a = 0 '\0', 
      b = 0 '\0', 
      g = 0 '\0', 
      r = 0 '\0'
        t1 = {
    c = 0, 
    i = {
      a = 0 '\0', 
      b = 0 '\0', 
      g = 0 '\0', 
      r = 0 '\0'
        t2 = {
    c = 0, 
    i = {
      a = 0 '\0', 
      b = 0 '\0', 
      g = 0 '\0', 
      r = 0 '\0'
        t3 = {
    c = 0, 
    i = {
      a = 0 '\0', 
      b = 0 '\0', 
      g = 0 '\0', 
      r = 0 '\0'
#2  0x0000000100cab5d4 in n64_rdp::SpanDraw1Cycle 
(this=0x122d10000, scanline=0, extent=@0x1324fa018, object=@0x129088000, threadid=0) 
at src/mame/video/rdpspn16.c:224
        curpixel = 539164783
        zbcur = 0
        zhbcur = 0
        sr = 0
        sss = 32767
        sg = 0
        sa = 0
        ss = 0
        sst = 32767
        sb = 0
        st = 0
        sw = 0
        sz = 0
        valid_x = true
        j = 0
        clipx1 = 0
        clipx2 = 320
        m_rdp = (n64_rdp *) 0x122d10000
        tilenum = 0
        flip = true
        r = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        g = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        b = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        a = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        z = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        s = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        t = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        w = {
    w = 0, 
    h = {
      l = 0, 
      h = 0
        zb = 1342184963
        zhb = 1342184963
        offx = 0 '\0'
        offy = 0 '\0'
        tile1 = 0
        userdata = (rdp_span_aux *) 0x1350fa000
        partialreject = false
        bsel0 = false
        drinc = 0
        dginc = 0
        dbinc = 0
        dainc = 0
        dzinc = 0
        dsinc = 0
        dtinc = 0
        dwinc = 0
        dzpix = 1
        xinc = 1
        fb_index = 0
        cdith = 0
        adith = 0
        xstart = 319
        xend = 0
        xend_scissored = 0
        x = 0
        length = 319
        fir = 0
        fig = 0
        fib = 1342177484
(More stack frames follow...)
Current language:  auto; currently c++

Last edited by etabeta78; 02/14/12 04:00 PM.