Stage 1: ct486 PC driver setup for all OSes.
Handy things to have include:
- Preformatted
blank 2GB and 4GB hard disk images.
- A
DOS 7.1 boot disk with third party CD-ROM drivers.
Step 1: Extract the hard disk images. Make a copy of one of them named after the OS you're going to install, such as win2k.chd. (For Win 95/98/ME you must use the 2GB disk only as a source!)
Step 2: Start the ct486 driver with the following minimal options:
-ramsize 64M -hard1 win2k.chd (or whatever you named it).
If you are starting from clear NVRAM, you'll see this message. Press F1 to enter SETUP. If you have previously used the driver, press DEL to enter SETUP during the RAM count-up.
- Choose the first option "STANDARD CMOS SETUP" and press Enter twice, skipping the dire warning.
- Setup the date and time to current and move the cursor down to the Hard Disk C: Type.
- Press Page Up to get type 47 USER TYPE.
- Use the right arrow and number keys to change Cyln to 4161 (2GB) or 8322 (4GB), Head to 16 and Sect to 63. Do not change WPcom or Lzone.
- Select Floppy Drive A and press PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN until it's set to "1.44 MB 3 1/2".
- Press Esc and choose ADVANCED CMOS SETUP. Press Enter to skip the warning screen once again and scroll down to System Boot Up Sequence.
- Press PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to select "A: C:" as shown
- Press Esc.
- Choose WRITE TO CMOS AND EXIT and press Enter. Confirm when it asks if you really want to.
Congrats, ct486 is now configured! Additional OS-specific instructions will follow.