I'm having a bit of trouble compiling the latest build.
Using the following commandline:
make -j5 TARGET=mess ARCHOPTS=-march=native sse4=1 PTR64=1 NOWERROR=1 SHELL=cmd

Gives me the following error part way through:

Generating H8-300H source file...
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:650: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8.inc' fai
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8.inc] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:654: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8h.inc' fa
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8h.inc] Error 1

Any ideas?