I can't compile with latest git/svn. Python seems to barf on something:

Generating H8-300 source file...
Generating H8-300H source file...
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Generating H8S/2000 source file...
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:677: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8.inc' fai
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8.inc] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:681: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8h.inc' fa
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8h.inc] Error 1
Generating H8S/2600 source file...
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:685: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8s2000.inc
' failed
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8s2000.inc] Error 1
  File "src/emu/cpu/h8/h8make.py", line 18
    print "Unknown chip type name %s" % name
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
src/emu/cpu/cpu.mak:689: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8s2600.inc
' failed
make: *** [obj/windows64/emu/cpu/h8/h8s2600.inc] Error 1

C:\mingw\mess|prompt $T$H$H$H $_$P$B


Edit: I just saw the post a few post up .. I'll check my python installation, it's just that up until this week everything compiled fine.

Last edited by rfka01; 12/12/14 08:46 PM.

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