I'm still not successful in trying to compile MAME and MESS. I'll try and be more accurate here. I'm using Windows 7 64-Bit, TortoiseGit and the same version of MingW64 from the MAMEDev website.
When I try and compile MAME, I get the following error:
I'm using a few batch files here to make my life easier. Previously nothing in these batch files caused a problem, but maybe it is now?
MAME Batch File:
@echo off set path=c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\opt\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\Qt\bin; make clean make -j6 TARGET=MAME
MESS Batch File:
@echo off set path=c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\opt\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\Qt\bin; make clean make -j6 TARGET=MESS
I have also used the 'PTR64=1' paramater but to no avail.
In my 'C:\MAME GitHub' folder, the 'src' folder has a red circle with a white ! in it, which usually indicates that certain files have changed and do not match the master branch, but I have downloaded the latest master branch. I have no idea how many of you use TortoiseGit, but to download the source you have to right click in the folder that contains the master branch, click on 'Git Sync...' then click on the 'Pull' button. I don't know any other way of doing this. Again, previously this was never a problem. I don't know if my set up is all wrong here or the problem lies within the structure of the source code.
I should also mention that prior to downloading a new version of mingw64 yesterday, I could at least compile MESS, although even though I was using the 'clean' command, I wasn't getting a clean compile, but it was working. MAME wouldn't compile at all. Now I can't compile anything.