I checked elecdetraw, found 1 error: Change offset $632 val $EC to $FC.
splitsecondraw: Change offset $528 val $EC to $FC. Change offset $867 val $C8 to $C9.

Also, a typo in splitsecond.txt bottom table, correction here:
LED matrix

    R7  R6  R5  R4  R3  R2  R1  R0
O6  51  45  44  34  24  14   4   1
O5  41  35  31  25  21  15  11   5
O4  52  47  46  36  26  16   6   2
O3  42  37  32  27  22  17  12   7
O2  53  49  48  38  28  18   8   3
O1  43  39  33  29  23  19  13   9
O0  -   -   50  40  30  20  10   -  

*edit* I had to make more changes to the LED matrix to make it look correct, see: https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/master/src/mess/layout/splitsec.lay (note: lamp0=R0,O0, lamp10=R1,O0, lamp63=R6,O3, etc)

Last edited by hap; 01/19/15 01:14 AM.