So last week even after trying again, I was still getting a compile error (as above). I managed to fix it by using 'PTR64=1', but now today I'm having the same problem with MESS again, whereby MAME is compiling fine (although yesterday MAME would not compile - same error as I was getting with MESS). The problem also is that the file that can't be compiled I don't think actually exists? Each time I try I get the same error, but the file name is different (dms.a, marrow.a and now this time it's be.a). I've tried both with and without 'PTR64=1' but no success.

The error when compiling MESS this time is this:

Compiling src/mess/drivers/apricotp.c...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/adc.a...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/alesis.c...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/altos.a...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/amiga.c...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/pcw.c...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/mathmagi.c...
Compiling src/mess/video/apollo.c...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/mac.c...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/applied.a...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/arcadia.a...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/ascii.a...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/at.a...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/lynx.c...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/unixpc.c...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/bally.a...
Compiling src/mess/drivers/wswan.c...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/banctec.a...
Archiving obj/windows64/mess/be.a...
ar: unable to rename 'obj/windows64/mess/be.a'; reason: File exists
makefile:1029: recipe for target 'obj/windows64/mess/be.a' failed
make: *** [obj/windows64/mess/be.a] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

The problem always occurs at:

obj/windows64/mess/<filename goes here.a>

With 'PTR64=1', my MESS batch file looks like this:

@echo off
set path=c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\opt\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\Qt\bin;
make clean
make -j6 TARGET=mess PTR64=1

Without 'PTR64=1, it's this:

@echo off
set path=c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\opt\bin;c:\mingw\mingw64-w64\Qt\bin;
make clean
make -j6 TARGET=mess

I've stated this before, but I will state it again. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and TortoiseGIT.

No idea what's going on here... Any ideas?