Originally Posted by seanriddle
As for Speak and Spell stuff, I don't think I've got anything else that's undumped. Let me know if there's anything in particular you're looking for.

We only have Speak & Math US newest release (CD2708) so far: http://www.datamath.org/Speech/SpeaknMath_86.htm

The other Speak & Math and the Speak & Spell rom code was typed in from the patents. The Speak & Math one is definitely pre-release. The Speak & Spell one, might be the same as the 1978 commercial release. We still need to verify TMC0271(hmm, didn't you buy two?). Then there's the Language Tutor rom, also typed in from the patent, but doesn't work in MESS yet.

So yeah, anything except CD2708. IMHO CD2705: Speak & Read would be at the top of the list.