Originally Posted by hap
Sean do you have a list of interesting TMSxxx decap subjects? I'd like to do some nominations. smile

MB Dark Tower(though I know you are already looking for one) - definitely TMS1400
MB Super Simon - likely TMS1100
TI Little Professor - http://www.datamath.org/Edu/Professor-76.htm says TMS0975
TI DataMan - http://www.datamath.org/Edu/DataMan.htm says TMC1982, I wonder, maybe a TMS0980 derivative?
TI-45 - http://www.datamath.org/Sci/MAJESTIC/TI-45_1.htm says TMC1983, not as interesting, just that it has this 198x MCU too.

I also wonder, who were the first customers for TI TMSxxx. Currently the oldest ones we have are from 1977: MB Comp IV (serial 904) and Parker Bros Codename Sector(serial 905)
I have Dark Tower and Super Simon on my watch list. I can start looking for cheap Little Professors and DataMans (DataMen?)
I agree that the DataMan is probably an 0980 and Little Professor is likely an 0970.

The Speak and Read I got looks much more professional inside than the old Speak and Spells I have. The chips are CD2705B-N2L MES 8149, CD2801A-N2 ME 8144, CD2394A-NL MBU 8144 and CD2395A-NL MBU 8149. The CD28 and CD23s are 28-pin SDIP, and the CD27 is a cute 40-pin DIP that's the length of a 28-pin DIP.

I've got a backlog of chips that'll have to wait until work slows down a bit: Entex Baseball 3, Entex Space Invader with the TI chip, Kosmos Astro, and Light Fight should be here this week.