Here's another one. Bandai Machine Man. The broken filaments can be seen on the pictures. Segments A, B, and F of the 7-seg area is all connected internally via some kind of leakage path but if I pulled down the other inputs I could determine where things connected.
You mean the 3rd digit? Looks like it can only show 0 and 5. I added the game to MESS and it works.
Also added Big Trak and Entex Jackpot.
No, the normal 7-segs. The problem is when the filament blew some conductive material set up a leakage path between plates 0, 1, and 2. I could pull down the affected plates (i.e. light up 0, and plates 0,1,2 all lit, but by pulling plates 1/2 low it extinguished them).