I found these interesting: Mattel Horse Race Analyzer: http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Z_Imgs/MESS/Mattel_HorseRaceAnalyzer_CPU.jpg TMS1100 with an LCD driver chip (looks like a Hughes chip) This was sold by Mattel for a while, and when they stopped selling it, the inventors bought it back from them and sold it under their own name: AHTI Their version looks like the same on the outside, but this is the board in it: http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Z_Imgs/MESS/AHTI_HorseRaceAnalyzer_CPU.jpg HD613901-B62 Obviously completely redesigned... Mattel's version came out in 1979 or so, the AHTI came out around 1994, so I assume that had a lot to do with it... I was just surprised to see it so radically different...
Don't know what's dumpable of all that, but thought I'd share...