Originally Posted by Lord Nightmare
From the picure at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55419307/DEC%20Rainbow%20100/Rainbow%20Mainboard%201.jpg
Is that motherboard a DEC Rainbow 100A or 100B?

100B. 3 EPROMs (2 x 16 K; 1 x 4K).

100A has four EPROMs (E89 + E90 + E91 = 8K; 1 x 4K)
On a 100 A board there should be 3 x 2764 and one 2732 ROM...
(E91) 8 K - type 2764 (28 pins)
(E90) 8 K - type 2764 (28 pins)
(E89) 8 K - type 2764 (28 pins)

(E9 4K - type 2732 (24 pins)

Originally Posted by Lord Nightmare
Does the character generator rom have any different marking on 100A vs 100B?

This screenshot from a 100-A is all i got (yes, it lacks the char ROM)! And the 092E4 number (on the right) somehow dosn't fit.


Originally Posted by Lord Nightmare
Do you know what the 23-xxxEx markings are for the main cpu roms for both 100A and 100B?

23-176e4-00= ROM (FA000-FBFFF) (E89) 8 K
23-177e4-00 = ROM (FC000-FDFFF) (E90) 8 K
70-20274-15 = SOCKETED LANGUAGE ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) (USA *)
23-020e3-00 [E98] 2732 (4 K) EPROM * PART NUMBER 12-15006-06

(*) for more complete info, please have a look into the updated driver source (below).

100 -B info verified personally with Rainbow-100 revision "B" (FCC ID : A0994Q - PC100 - B).

100 -A info is from DEC manuals (see end of post).

// 'Rainbow 100-A' (system module 70-19974-00, PSU H7842-A)
// - first generation hardware (introduced May '82) with ROM 04.03.11
// - inability to boot from hard disc (mind the inadequate PSU)

// AVAILABLE RAM: 64 K on board (versus 128 K on model 'B'). 

// Two compatible memory expansions were sold by DEC:
// (PCIXX-AA) : 64 K (usable on either Rainbow 100-A or 100-B *)
// (PCIXX-AB) : 192 K ( " *) 
// Totals to 256 K on a 100-A, while the RAM limit appears to be 832 K.

// * INVESTIGATE: DEC changed the way RAM expansion cards are addressed 
//                and recognized on the Rainbow 100 B (J6 / BIOS / NMI...?)

// - cannot control bit 7 of IRQ vector (prevents DOS > 2.01 from booting on unmodified hardware)
// - 4 color palette with graphics option (instead of 16 colors on later models)
// - smaller ROMs (3 x 2764) with fewer routines (no documented way to beep...)
ROM_REGION(0x100000, "maincpu", 0)

ROM_LOAD("23-176e4-00.bin", 0xFA000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP) // ROM (FA000-FBFFF) (E89) 8 K
ROM_LOAD("23-177e4-00.bin", 0xFC000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP) // ROM (FC000-FDFFF) (E90) 8 K

// SOCKETED LANGUAGE ROM (E91) with 1 single localization per ROM -
ROM_LOAD("70-20274-15", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - USA 
// ROM_LOAD("bg-r873a-bv", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - Canadian (French)
// ROM_LOAD("bg-r876a-bv", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - British (UK)
// ROM_LOAD("bg-r878a-bv", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - German / Austrian 
// ROM_LOAD("bg-r874a-bv", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - Italian
// ROM_LOAD("bg-r377a-bv", 0xFE000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP)  // ROM (FE000-FFFFF) (E91) 8 K - Spanish
// (...)
// Appendix A / EK-RB100 Rainbow Technical Manual Addendum for 100A and 100B (Dec.84) lists all 15.
// See also MP-01491-00 - PC100A FIELD MAINTENANCE SET.

ROM_REGION(0x1000, "chargen", 0) // [E98] 2732 (4 K) EPROM * PART NUMBER 12-15006-06 * 23020E3-00
ROM_LOAD("23-020e3-00.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(1685e452) SHA1(bc299ff1cb74afcededf1a7beb9001188fdcf02f))

// ROM definition for 100-B (system module 70-19974-02, PSU H7842-D)
// Built until ~ May 1986 (from MP-01491-00)
// - 32 K ROM (version 5.03)
// - 128 K base and 896 K max. mem.
ROM_REGION(0x100000, "maincpu", 0)

// Note that the 'Field Maintenance Print Set 1984' also lists alternate revision 'A1' with 
//              23-063e3-00 (for chargen) and '23074e5-00' / '23073e5-00' for E5-01 / E5-02.

// Part numbers 22E5, 20E5 and 37E3 verified to match revision "B" (FCC ID : A0994Q - PC100 - B).

ROM_LOAD("23-022e5-00.bin", 0xf0000, 0x4000, CRC(9d1332b4) SHA1(736306d2a36bd44f95a39b36ebbab211cc8fea6e)) 
ROM_RELOAD(0xf4000, 0x4000)

ROM_LOAD("23-020e5-00.bin", 0xf8000, 0x4000, CRC(8638712f) SHA1(8269b0d95dc6efbe67d500dac3999df4838625d8)) // German, French, English
//ROM_LOAD( "23-015e5-00.bin", 0xf8000, 0x4000, NO_DUMP) // Dutch, French, English
//ROM_LOAD( "23-016e5-00.bin", 0xf8000, 0x4000, NO_DUMP) // Finish, Swedish, English
//ROM_LOAD( "23-017e5-00.bin", 0xf8000, 0x4000, NO_DUMP) // Danish, Norwegian, English 
//ROM_LOAD( "23-018e5-00.bin", 0xf8000, 0x4000, NO_DUMP) // Spanish, Italian, English 
ROM_RELOAD(0xfc000, 0x4000)

ROM_REGION(0x1000, "chargen", 0) 
ROM_LOAD("23-037e3.bin", 0x0000, 0x1000, CRC(1685e452) SHA1(bc299ff1cb74afcededf1a7beb9001188fdcf02f))

Originally Posted by Lord Nightmare
Is the chargen.bin in the driver dumped from the 23-037E3 chip or another chip?

037E3, to the best of my knowledge.

The three dumps from my 100-B were identical to Jeff's archive on former 'Drive W'.

On another note, RFKA also got Rainbow-190 dumps (without char ROM), plus an archive from the owner of the TurboW (80286) expansion (Suitable Solutions; came with a slightly hacked 5.03 'B' ROM).

Sources: "Appendix A / EK-RB100 Rainbow Technical Manual Addendum for 100A and 100B (Dec.84)"
See also MP-01491-00 - PC100A Field Maintenance Set
+ MP01722_PC100-B_Rainbow_Schematic_Jul84 (for rev."B")

Last edited by Bavarese; 05/06/15 10:28 AM.